Our Vision & Mission
The Academie of Sacred Arts & Sciences is a modern-day mystery school, incorporating ancient wisdom & sacred sciences from the Egyptian and Tibetan mystery schools, indigenous Shamanic mysticism and modern principles of quantum physics, resonance and harmonics.
Our curriculum is designed to provoke, awaken and support the inherent mastery within each student, whatever his or her special field of endeavor may be. A variety of energetic healing modalities are taught, using aroma, sound, sacred movement and color.
Foundation, intermediate, advanced and mastery level courses in Egyptian Aromatic Alchemy are at the heart of the Academie. Beginning through mastery level classes in Geobiology, Dowsing and Earth Acupuncture, Devic Communication and Co-Creative techniques for creating environmental sustainability, balance and harmony are also intrinsic to mastering the ability to create and sustain vibrant health, prosperity and well-being on a personal and planetary level.
Classes are taught by Master Teacher Diana D James, and are designed for every level of student, from Western as well as Eastern healing traditions & backgrounds. Certification programs are offered yearly. Currently, classes are held online or in select geographic locations.
Aromatic Alchemy, as it was practiced in the temples and mystery schools in Egypt, Tibet and in other indigenous shamanic systems of knowing the Self is a primary course of study in the Academie. The goal of Aromatic Alchemy was, in ancient times, the same as it is today…to use essential oils in a variety of ways to reclaim, integrate and enjoy parts of our inner landscape
(sometimes vast areas!) in a profoundly loving and respectful way, so that the changes brought about are enduring.
Aromatic Alchemy encompasses what is known of modern-day aromatherapy, yet goes infinitely far beyond that as it employs the interactive consciousness and divine archetypal intelligences of the botanical realm. In the study of essential oils, as single oils and as formulas that unite many to address a common objective, we look into their effects on us electromagnetically as well as biochemically. We learn to pay attention at the deepest levels of ourselves to what they facilitate in us as we engage them, simultaneously affecting us physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and environmentally. We become more and more adept at perceiving and working with energy, our own and others’. We can then apply this skill to our everyday lives, enjoying a richer and more colorful as well as a healthier and happier life.
Geobiology is the study of positive and negative energies, both naturally occurring Earth energies and human generated ones, and their impact on living systems and environments. It is a sacred science dating back thousands of years and is critically relevant in our modern world. Geobiology as it is taught in the Academie of Sacred Arts & Sciences encompasses modern advances in subtle energy dynamics and accompanying technological developments that have occurred over the last fifty years, as well as ancient and indigenous shamanic Earth Healing practices and Devic Communication skills.
This is one of the areas where science and metaphysics are merging in wonderful ways that bring beauty, health, vibrant well-being and prosperity back to areas that have been challenged with noxious and detrimental, unseen but nonetheless very tangible troublesome energy.
Geobiology is the second primary course of study offered by the Academie of Sacred Arts & Sciences, with Foundation through Mastery Level certification classes geared toward every level of serious student of energetic architecture. Every student will learn their specific and unique talents in detecting the underlying energy landscape of a place, and how to put it to work in a collaborative and safe environment.
Specific areas of instruction include Dowsing, Comprehensive Geopathic Clearing techniques, Devic Communication, use of Slim Spurling & Bill Reid's Light Life Geobiology tools, personal safety and team collaboration.
If you are a highly sensitive person who has spent much of your life feeling the energy around you and you wish to explore how to harmonize your environment, home or workplace, then this is an area where you can bloom and shine brightly with the training you will get from Diana D James as your facilitator.