Aromatic Alchemy
Foundation Level Class
You blew my mind, body and spirit. Your ability to communicate so much magical information so clearly was beautiful and useful and accessible. You are such a joy to work with and would recommend to anyone to take your class. It was well thought out, put out in such a fun way. And the way you deal with emotions was very powerful, healing profound. The emotional releases were beyond words. Everyone should have such a chance to release their pent up emotions, the ones that are hidden, repressed or unknown. You are truly a mystery school teacher of the highest kind. I love you and all that you are doing. May the God & Goddess always be with you and protect and guide you, my sister.
David Lindsey
San Juan, CA
Aromatic Alchemy has been a chakra-learning, inner-child inspiring blast of gentle love. Awakening ancient memories, Diana’s workshop is a mystical journey that perfectly complements the Flower of Life teachings. May the ascended masters of the Egyptian Mystery School be with you.
Love and Light!
Taj O’Narayan
Chemainus, BC, Canada
FDA WARNING: This class is hazardous to your addictions, victim patterns and lots of old, junky stuff that no longer serves. Do not attend unless you are willing to give it up for a clearer path and a truly active life! Diana is a compassionate, wise, master teacher who pulls no punches—I trust her dedication to the truth and to a beautiful, healed planet—including all the little kids, animals, plants and devic beings:
Thank you for caring more about my healing truth and empowerment than about being nice—even when you wield the sword of truth, it is with total love and I feel that. Thank you, dear one, for all of your inner work and dedication, which makes this healing space possible for all of us.
I love the processes you taught and I plan to use them myself with clients. I know I am freer and can go deeper now—Thanks for the safety and profound respect.
You are a beautiful model of teaching, integrity as a human being and a loving, passionate woman, friend and spiritual warrior.
Thanks for inspiring me, loving me and giving me a gentle nudge—and for the oils of love!
Thank you!
Ellen Shapiro
Santa Fe, NM
What a journey it was. I will always have my sanctuary and meeting room filled with my guides and my split-off parts of myself. Having these parts returned to me is empowering myself to become more of who I really am. During one journey I felt so much love for my father and mother, a love I had never known. I saw their childhood and how they were treated. They passed on to me the same as they were treated. I was able to release myself, my parents, and their parents. A wonderful experience—I recommend the class to anyone.
Bobby Freeman
Santa Fe, NM
This weekend is the most powerful, trans-mutational experiences to be had. I experienced being held and loved in the most safest of ways. To be able to plumb the depths of my soul is the sublime experience of a lifetime. This is my third time in this class—doing it with the love of my life was the sweetest of all things!
Carol Rose
Santa Fe, NM
Unlock the gate and restore the codes of memory.
Debbie Senneca
Grass Valley, CA
It is great to connect in sacred space within one’s life experience to the plant intelligences that help us/me remember all aspects of ourselves/my facing all the hidden areas that may be taking our/my attention and energy away from being our/my authentic self/selves in this moment…
Elyvn Hansraj Singh
Nevada City, CA
Perfect balance of beauty, fun, knowledge, deep healing, love with and for our green allies, teachers, healers, our team, community, their teams, our past, present and future all threaded together in one glorious, glistening web.
Gardenia Gardener
Nevada City, CA
A time that unbinds time, that has freed the strings attached to old ways of thinking. The rebirth that has given me the remembrance that I can HEAL. I have intuition. I am Love and all the flavors in between to share with the world the healing powers of smell and sound.
David Lindsey
Grass Valley, CA
Thank you, Diana, for facilitating my re-membering with these Maha Plant teachers. What a journey!
Inai Lokani
Grass Valley, CA
Diana James is a master facilitator of reclaiming and loving-back-life the lost parts of ourselves. I wish I had taken this workshop years ago and am so, so happy that I took it now. The best part is that she creates the safety and foundation for turning our suffering into gold, and at the same time shows us how to go forward with this on our own with success, ease and confidence.
Katrina Koehler
Santa Fe, NM
This weekend has gifted beyond my expectations, and, I didn’t really even know what to expect. This has been an absolutely divinely guided, right time, right place, next step for me. I am excited to watch my life unfold after these days, to reveal to me what has transformed inside of me. As the feminine expression of The Divine, I have thoroughly loved and enjoyed the right brain, intuitive way of aromatic alchemy. This way speaks to me, opens me deeper to myself, unravels the unknown and transforms permanently.
Pia Maria Shapiro
Grass Valley, CA
I find your work heartening, loving, true—the “Right Eye of Hathor” also seems like a major part of the return of the Divine Feminine on our planet. I know how much energy it takes to hold space in the way you do. Your work is deeply needed and necessary at this time. Thank you for helping me to see how much I have healed and where I need to move next, how much I have learned in this lifetime and how much I know. You are such a beautiful, elegant, rich, alive teacher. I am so grateful to have learned from you and truly look forward to more!
Remy Lindsay
San Juan, CA
Cellular cleansing through aromatic medicine—sweet and gentle—intense and penetrating.
I felt safe and supported by Diana. Her complete union and mastery with the spirit guides encouraged me to delve deep into my inner landscape, to meet my angels, guides, self.
Robin Karlstedt
Nevada City, CA
An Awesome weekend! I felt completely safe, nurtured and honored in my process, weakness, and my simple ability to show up. Indeed, I felt initiated into that which I truly desire. I feel more engaged with me as me. Even in the worst moments, my most vulnerable, I felt supported. I knew that by the end I would have the tools to continue what brought me here.
David Witherell
Santa Fe, NM
What really worked for me about the Aromatic Alchemy Foundation Level 1 Intensive was that my inner self was asked to drive the learning. I would recommend it to anyone who wants a deeper connection with their authentic self and a clear, conscious validation of their ability to collaborate and co-create with the universal support, cure and nurturance available to each of us. I connected more powerfully and clearly with my inner sacred plane than I have in 63 years at transformative work. When I was 5 years old I had an experience of myself as a “giant” and I was asleep, and I was going to wake up one day. I feel that it has come.
Thank you with LOVE and GRATITUDE,
Alan Hickman
Santa Fe, NM
I feel profoundly grateful for having been introduced so intimately to this powerful, potent medicine. I feel a new path emerged that I intend to follow with the blessing of my team and the plant spirits. My relationship to the natural world has opened up and invited me in. I love you guys!
Anitra Amrita Cole
Nevada City, CA
I see you as a sister, mother, instrument. The light, sound, love flows through you so clearly. Can I be your apprentice? OK
Peace, love to you. Blessing to you my beloved earth—journeyer. . .
Briana L Cavion
Nevada City, CA
Initially, I was an observer, only wanting to wait for something to happen. Not really committed to being part of a team, and at the same time doing it all. As we travelled down the road, it became more and more clear I had a role and it was amply being me. As each person emerged and I stepped up as me in a position of power, might, freewill, change, guide…etc. I felt more at ease with the journey, with the team and teamwork, and with the changes to the landscape. It became easier, the work, even though I was going deeper, was easier and I felt more adept with every next step.
David Witherell
Santa Fe, NM
Dear Diana,
Thank you for your fabulous coaching and teaching. Over the past 4 months that I’ve worked with you, I’ve seen significant improvement in my health, finances and connection to spirit. What I really appreciate about your teachings are the practical, simple instructions you give. Lots of teachers can tell you about what we need to do. You gave me easily executed steps to achieve them. Since we’ve worked together I’ve been much healthier. My energy levels are up. The nagging sore throats and viruses are virtually gone, my moods are elevated and I’m happier.
Financially, I’ve also seen improvements. My clients are embracing my suggestions more and those who have been late in paying are suddenly timely. I attribute all of this to the greater sense of spiritual connection you’ve guided towards. In a real sense, my spirit has become more rooted in my body and tangible to me in my everyday activities. It’s a joy to see what were previously only lofty concepts being made manifiest in practical ways.
Peter De Benedittis, Ph.D. President, Peter D. & Co., Inc.
Peter De Benedittis, Ph.D.
Santa Fe, NM
Quite a profound experience. I have felt very challenged by Diana’s presence in the classroom and her ability to draw from so many different modalities and intuitive faculties… I know this training will be a powerful part of my life-myth toolbox.
Love & Gratitude!
William T Hancock
North San Juan, CA
Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!!
After taking foundation Level 1, twice, I thought that this class would be much the same, but it went so much deeper. I slept 9 hours the first night and 11 hours the second night. I feel like a third of what I have lost in all my lifetimes has been returned to me in these last 2 ½ days. I am bursting happiness and joy. I have waited to incorporate ALL OF ME my whole lifetime and I am nearly there. This is by far, the deepest soul retrieval class I have ever experienced. Diana is a master teacher, guide and journeyer who makes it easy by providing a safe, secure space to let it all out. There is no judgment, only love and guidance.
Thank you so much, Diana.
P.S. At the end of the class I was very tired, but I feel like I’d like the class to go on for 2 more weeks!
Again, Thank You.
Vandya Hopkins
Santa Fe, NM
Yes it was terrific learning from you. I’m so happy that I got to ask you all of those questions. You and me can find each other. I really hope I can see you again.
Taylor (8 years old)
(This class was) A perfect reinforcement to my trust in my intuition and practice in using it. The journeying with the oils assisted me in identifying finer points of my work on myself. And the clearing of the objects, (was an) amazing experience of my sensing the unseen worlds. Especially as what I experienced was confirmed by the sharing of the other participants and the history of the object.
Randy Heller
Santa Fe, NM
Dear Diana,
Thank you for being you! Learning from you has opened my eyes to the magic all around me. I talk to all my animals and plants just like I used to when I was little. You empower me to live as a ROARING GODDESS!
Santa Fe, NM