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Deva Speak
The Hidden & Magical Language of the Unseen Worlds

Two Classes Offered

Thursday Evening, 28 July, 6 to 9pm, $55,

wine and refreshments included. Enroll Now


Saturday Morning, 30 July, 10am to 1pm, $44, coffee or tea and fruit included.  Enroll Now


Watch this video and see how the Devas visited her altar one morning! Look for the light orbs!

Here are five reasons to create your own Elemental Altar in your home or workplace today:


1)  It establishes a two-way communication hotline to the Devic (Faerie) and Angelic realms for their guidance/assistance in solving problems in your life.


2) With just a few minutes each day at your altar your communication skills deepen and expand.


3) The more attention you pay to the world of Energy the more attention that world pays to you! Just a few minutes each day builds trust in your innate ability to consciously create the Life you desire.


4)  It's fun to engage a magical daily practice that systematically brings you more money, health, love, and growth.


5)  It's a simple, powerful way to feel more connected to the Earth, your body, your heart, your mind, your spirit.


Two Classes Offered, One Evening and One Morning


Thursday Evening, 28 July, 6 to 9pm, Tuition $55 

Saturday Morning, 30 July, 10am to 1pm, Tuition $44

Location: 811 Camino Zozobra, Santa Fe NM 87505


Thursday Evening's class will include wine and refreshments

Saturday Morning's class will include coffee or tea and fruit.


Tuition for both classes includes class materials.  Bring a notebook, any sacred objects you wish to use in composing your altar and a beginner's mind and heart!


Diana D James, Devic and Angelic Communication Specialist, will be your instructor.  

Open to all traditions and skill levels.


Enroll for Saturday Morning

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illuminate your best Path forward.


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