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Divine Body Initiation

February 27, 2016  10am to 5pm    

Tuition: $144    Location: 811 Camino Zozobra, Santa Fe, NM

In 1999, in the Ptah-Sekhmet temple at the Karnak temple complex in Egypt, Diana James was given the Divine Body Initiation by Thoth, also known as Hermes Trismagistus.  Diana was given the instruction to offer this Initiation to all who are ready to take that step.  The Divine Body, as explained by Thoth, is the 'birthright of every human being who is ready to claim it.  It is the physical human body that grows increasingly impervious to aging and illness'.  During this approx. 6 hr process each initiate's Divine Body Template is integrated with their physical body.  The Divine Body Initiation is composed of three parts.  

We begin with a delicious and powerful purification step.  This is followed by the initiation, instruction and the Divine Body practice itself, which is a physical practice combining movement, visualization and spoken words.  Initiates receive the training to perform this practice at home, or wherever they may be.  We break for a potlluck luncheon, and then finish with a short information-sharing about what will serve to support, maintain and continuously perfect your Divine Body.  "The most indescribable gift you can ever give yourself!" 







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