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Aromatic Alchemy

Foundation Level Course

November 3-6, 2023

Equinox Inn, Canyon Lake TX

The Doors are Open.


Enter the multidimensional world of Essential Oils from the Egyptian Mystery School tradition in this in-depth Certification Training. This Intensive vibrates with sensory experience from Sacred Aromatic Oils, sacred sound, color and sacred geometry, with Master Teacher and

Aromatic Alchemist, Diana D James. 

In this course you will learn to...

...JOURNEY with 22 Essential Oil Master Teachers in the Egyptian Aromatic Alchemy Tradition to get your own answers and guidance.


...COMMUNICATE & create personal relationships with each of the Essential oils that deepen over time.

...OPEN & expand your intuitive abilities safely using Ancient Mystery School protocols and daily practices that are simple, powerful, and effective.


...PRACTICE the art of Phytoenergetic Divinatory Blending for healing, well-being, Ascension, and fun!

Course Itinerary

Wednesday, November 1

Virtual gathering on Zoom for Course registrants

*Short and sweet but full of extra information to prepare for the Course


Friday, November 3

Check-in to Room at Equinox Inn

Complete Registration with Diana

Opening Circle & First Session*

Creation of Inner Sanctuary







*Integration Breaks every 90 minutes during sessions

Saturday, November 4


Second Session


Third Session 


Optional after dinner gathering or book a massage with Darrin!







Sunday, November 5

*Fifth session includes making your Phytoenergetic blend, Initiation Ceremony, and presentation of Certificate and Sacred Aromatics Oil Blend Kit


Fourth Session


Fifth Session 








Monday, November 6


Closing Ceremony and Next Steps

Check-Out and you're on your Way!

Optional field trip to Karmic Juju, Diana's special clothing & Goddess accoutrements store!






Diana in the Shaman's Cave, West of Sedona, AZ

This course is for you if...

...You have been seeking Mystery School training.


...You already use Essential Oils but instinctively feel there is more to them than just biochemical constituents! Every oil tells a story...


...You know in your Soul that Magic is Real and you want to know how to engage it safely to the benefit of All. 


...You are ready to retrieve & harvest the Wisdom of all of your lives and shed any and all lingering traumas, turning pain into Power. 


...You yearn to be walking the Path that expresses your gifts that are meant to be given to this Earth, her people and her creatures. 


TUITION: $1,700


Includes Course book, Sacred Aromatics 7-Oil Blending Set, and meals.


To reserve your space for the Course click below.

Class size is limited to ensure plenty of individual attention!


To book your room at the Equinox Inn, call Darrin Hammons at 713.560.9124

equinox fireplace
equinox bedroom

Equinox Inn at Canyon Lake

Ellen Shapiro

Santa Fe, NM

FDA WARNING:  This class is hazardous to your addictions, victim patterns and lots of old, junky stuff that no longer serves.  Do not attend unless you are willing to give it up for a clearer path and a truly active life!  Diana is a compassionate, wise, master teacher who pulls no punches—I trust her dedication to the truth and to a beautiful, healed planet—including all the little kids, animals, plants and devic beings.

Carol Rose

Santa Fe, NM

This weekend is the most powerful, trans-mutational experiences to be had.  I experienced being held and loved in the most safest of ways.  To be able to plumb the depths of my soul is the sublime experience of a lifetime. This was my third time in this class—doing it with the love of my life was the sweetest of all things!

Taj O'Narayan

Chemainus, BC, Canada

Aromatic Alchemy has been a chakra-learning, inner-child inspiring blast of gentle love.  Awakening ancient memories, Diana’s workshop is a mystical journey that perfectly complements the Flower of Life teachings. 

David Lindsey

San Juan, CA

Diana blew my mind, body and spirit.  Her ability to communicate so much magical information so clearly was beautiful and useful and accessible.

Diana D James,
Aromatic Alchemist. 

Diana D James, Visionary, Priestess, Aromatic Alchemist, Geobiologist, singer/songwriter & founder of Sacred Aromatics and the Academie of Sacred Arts & Sciences, teaches Egyptian Aromatic Alchemy, Geobiology & Earth Healing, and Sacred Dance in the Egyptian Tantric Alchemy tradition.  

Payment Options:

$500 deposit today

Remaining $1,200 due Monday October 30


* Alternate payment plans can be made with Diana on a

   case-by-case basis

* Deposit is nonrefundable, however it is transferable




Pay full $1,700 tuition today*


* Includes a special bonus gift from Diana which will be presented    to you at the Course!

I want to join the Course,

sign me up!

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illuminate your best Path forward.


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