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Join Us At
The Epicenter of Transformation

A virtual web event celebrating the advent of radical personal and planetary transformation on

Saturday, 14 October at 11:00am Central time.

This event is FREE and interactive! 




Live from the Epicenter of Transformation


With Diana D James,
Aromatic Alchemist. 

Diana D James, Visionary, Priestess, Aromatic Alchemist, Geobiologist, singer/songwriter & founder of Sacred Aromatics and the Academie of Sacred Arts & Sciences, teaches Egyptian Aromatic Alchemy, Geobiology & Earth Healing, and Sacred Dance in the Egyptian Tantric Alchemy tradition.  

During this event...

We will be collectively anchoring in stability for our World during this monumental transit which is initiated by this Ring of Fire Eclipse. 

Bring your loving heart, your passion for this planet and her inhabitants, and your deepest desires and intentions for the New World

we are co-creating together. You will also have the opportunity to receive a bottle of Beyond the Precipice, the Master Essential Oil blend

made the morning of the Eclipse for you to use in your personal life!



Saturday, October 14th 
11:00am-12:30pm CDT
Streamed live via Zoom

This web event is FREE!

Registering for this event will ensure that you have access to the recording even if you can't be present at the time.

SIGN UP NOW and start receiving FREE INSIGHTS on ways you can

illuminate your best Path forward.


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