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Have you ever walked into a house or building and felt an immediate sense of well-being, spaciousness, calm, grounded- and centered-ness, that had nothing to do with the decor or physical architecture?  Conversely, have you ever walked into a house or building, or even a place in Nature, and felt just the opposite - depressed, uneasy, agitated, dizzy or unbalanced, just wanting to get out and away from that place?


If so, chances are that you are sensitive to the underlying energetic architecture of the spaces you are in.  This course is specifically designed for people like you, to train your innate abilities to sense and safely harmonize unseen but tangible energies that affect your environment.  In this weekend training you will learn:


*  How to locate, indentify, and neutralize “harmful to life, health, relationship, success, wealth and prosperity" energies.

*  How to perform comprehensive geopathic stress clearing on a house, workspace or piece of raw land.

*  How to work respectfully and inclusively with indigenous, ancient and ancestral "guardian" spirits of the land.   

*  How to partner with the angelic and devic realms in this work so that it is done safely and collaboratively.

*  Physical tools and techniques, such as dowsing, sacred geometry and Slim Spurling & Bill Reid's Light Life tools.


Foundation Level I   Certification Program   

 9th ~ 11th August 2016   


Tuition:  $397.00 includes all class materials

Location:  811 Camino Zozobra, Santa Fe NM

Dates & Times:   Friday,  9th June  6:30pm - 8:30pm

                              Saturday,  10th June  10am - 5:30pm 

                              Sunday, 11th June  10am - 5:30pm


Geobiology-The Science of Sacred Space





"Diana's teachings have awakened me and helped me to remember my own Sacred Wisdom.  Whoever you are, where ever you are, in your awakening to your Divine Self, Diana will propel you into your next level of consciousness and mastery."

Suzanna Kennedy, Author of "Sacred Union; Pathway to Paradise

Peter De Benedittis, Ph.D.  

President, Peter D. & Co., Inc. Santa Fe, NM


Dear Diana,

Thank you for your fabulous coaching and teaching.  Over the past 4 months that I’ve worked with you, I’ve seen significant improvement in my health, finances and connection to spirit.  What I really appreciate about your teachings are the practical, simple instructions you give.  Lots of teachers can tell you about what we need to do.  You gave me easily executed  steps to achieve them.  Since we’ve worked together I’ve been much healthier.  My energy levels are up.  The nagging sore throats and viruses are virtually gone, my moods are elevated and I’m happier.  Financially, I’ve also seen improvements.  My clients are embracing my suggestions more and those who have been late in paying are suddenly timely.  I attribute all of this to the greater sense of spiritual connection you’ve guided towards.  In a real sense, my spirit has become more rooted in my body and tangible to me in my everyday activities.  It’s a joy to see what were previously only lofty concepts being made manifiest in practical ways.


"During private sessions with Diana James, she has a way of listening that really allowed me to reach deep inside myself and sift through the distractions to get to the heart of my inner growth.  Diana's knowledge of selecting oils that resonated with positive changes in my life was outstanding and spot on.  Thank you, Diana!!!"

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